Our Prices

"One Page" Site + SEO

Ideal for presenting a commercial action or a single product.

Starting at


excl. VAT

"Showcase" Site + SEO

A simple design, responsive layout adapted to all screens, complete basic options and search engine optimization.

Free CMS training (value €120)

Starting at


excl. VAT

"Advanced Showcase" Site + SEO

A unique and custom design, responsive layout adapted to all screens, complete basic options, search engine optimization and a professional photo shoot.

Free CMS training (value €120)

Starting at


excl. VAT

"E-Commerce" Site + SEO

A design adapted to your business, a responsive WooCommerce online store, complete sales features, SEO optimization and a professional photo shoot.

Free CMS training (value €120)

Starting at


excl. VAT

"Pro Referencing" Strategy SEO + SEA

SEO-optimised content: Social presence, relevant backlinks, AI-optimised content.
Paid search SEA: Distribution of targeted ads to boost your online visibility.

Starting at


excl. VAT

Professional Photo Shoot

Professional photo package with retouching

Starting at


excl. VAT

Google Business Profile

Optimization of the visual and SEO pro account

Starting at


excl. VAT

Technical site update

Upgrading WordPress, themes, plugins and PHP for optimal performance, enhanced security and access to the latest features.

Starting at


excl. VAT

Mailchimp Newsletter

Account creation, DNS optimization, Custom template


excl. VAT

Web Consulting (60min)

In person or by phone


excl. VAT

Training (90min)

Wordpress, Woocommerce, Google & Meta


excl. VAT

Domain Name and Hosting

Account creation, advice and settings


excl. VAT

Professional Emails

Creation linked to domain name, DNS settings


excl. VAT

Creation of your Custom Website

We will bring your ideas to life and strengthen your online presence.

  • Responsive multi-screen and mobile design.
  • Targeted strategic advice.
  • Optimized natural referencing.
  • Secure web architecture.
Present your project